Essential Questions When Adopting A Shelter Dog?

Essential Questions When Adopting A Shelter Dog?

It is a noble idea to adopt a shelter dog. What is a shelter dog? What is a rescue dog? These are some of the essential questions to ask when adopting a dog.


Essential quesstions

You will notice two significant differences between shelters and rescue types.  Shelters are run and funded by local governments, whereas Rescue groups are funded mainly by donations. Volunteers staff it. In the shelter category, animals are usually placed in foster homes. Many are housed on-site in kennels.

If you have decided to adopt a shelter pet, don’t select impulsively look in their eyes. You will most likely fall in love instantly when you see the looks of the puppies. It would be best to exercise caution and care when you decide on the breed you want to adopt.

You often get to watch some very touching segments showing cats and dogs in the shelter, often abandoned by the owners. You may see them in pens or chained in the open and living in sub-standard conditions. In most cases, these animals are rescued and cared for in shelters until families adopt them.

Tips to follow and asking essential questions when adopting a pet from a shelter.

  • Verify the shelter’s reputation?
  • The cleanliness of the shelter and if the animals are properly cared for?
  • Get full details of the animal in the shelter, such as its origin. Find out if they were abandoned or how it was brought to the shelter?
  • Do you see behavior and any signs of distress in the animal?
  • Do the pets have any health concerns, and what are the underlying conditions they have observed?
  • Do you know if the pet is a pedigree or a mixed breed?
  • The age of the pet?
  • Any past association with a family or kids?
  • Ask them for a guestimate for the type of food and any reports from the attending vet?
  • How is the general behavior of the dog if left alone if you are away from home?
  • How is general behavior with other animals in the shelter?
  • What type of pet supplies you will need when you finally decide about adopting a shelter pet?

There are some conditions to follow when you wish to adopt a pet from a shelter. The deal has to be finalized between the shelter and the prospective new owner of the pet. Shelters also will ascertain the suitability of the family and are qualified to adopt the pet. It is a long drawn process to ensure that animals will be given adequate care and protection. Matching the pet with the potential adopting family is also a significant consideration when making the decision.

a cat in shelter

Families have to understand the consequences of making a wrong choice as it will impact both the family and the animal, and more so if there are kids involved. Weigh in all the pros and cons of adopting a shelter pet and do enough research for good shelters, their background, and any other information that may help make a well-informed decision.


Asking essential questions about adopting a shelter dog is very crucial for you and your family. I hope you have a good understanding of what it is about adopting from a shelter and a rescue home for your pets. Please do share your thoughts or any other ideas you may have on this topic. As a pet lover, I feel obligated to care for pets as their companionship and love are unmeasurable.

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