A perfect name for your pet!

Naming or christening is not just limited to humans. The pets also get their unique names and chosen with pomp and show by the pet owners.

a man with a pip

A story

You may have seen this wonderfully funny commercial in which a man arrives home from work and calls out, “Mr. Barkie von Schnauser!” He is calling to his dog but unfortunately receives no answer.  With a name like that, would you?  Picking a perfect name for your pet is as important as choosing the pet itself.

Some suggestions

There are several ways you can choose a name for your beloved pet.  Here are some facts and suggestions.

Fact: Pets are given human names.  For example, Sam, Lucy, Jack, Oscar, Winston, and Daisy are among the most popular.

Fact: Most pet names are derived by their colour, personality, or genres such as literature, fashion, music, art, and history.  Some names may reflect the name of a town, city, state, or country, whereas others may be a derivative of a popular drink, sport, handbag, or folk hero.

Here is one example of how one family chose a name for a new puppy.  They wrote down favourite names on a piece of paper, put them in a hat, and the youngest child pulled out a name.

Who chooses a name?

When families adopt or get a pet, they usually leave it up to the children to decide upon a name.  But in cases where a single person acquires a pet, they usually come up with a name that reflects their own personality and favourite things.  For example, one pet owner chose the name “Gucci,” while another who owned a Nissan Maxima car chose the name “Max.”

A popular name that is a favourite for many dog lovers is “Uno,” the beagle’s name who won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show.  Most likely, a great many new pet owners will use this name. Do you own a pet?  How did you choose the name?

My cocker spaniels were named Prince and Duke. They were acquired from a place called Milton and Pickering, respectively. I wanted to name him Milton, and it was overruled. For some reason, he looked like a prince, and the other got the name Duke. They were more than human—great dogs and well behaved.

When a puppy, for example, is purchased from a breeder, the pedigree includes the parents’ names.  As an example, the name of the pup would appear as “Rush Brook Lucky Buck.” Thus, the owner may decide to call the pup “Lucky.”

Another owner may have watched the “Little Rascals” as a youngster and decided to call his new pet “Petey.” Or a dog that is black in colour may be called “Blackie.”

Perhaps the name may reflect an iconic figure such as “Elvis,” “Rambo,” “Madonna,” or “Duke (nickname of John Wayne).”

A Recap

It is not an easy task to pick a perfect name for your pet but not impossible.  Depending upon the pet’s personality, there is a myriad of names to choose from.  There may be something about the pet’s appearance or breed that invokes a specific name.  Or there may be some little quirk the pet has that triggers a perfect name.

One thing is sure; if you own a pet, you know the importance of giving the correct name.  It has to fit like a glove.  Names can range from the majestic to the ordinary, and it may take some time before a name is given.  For some, a nickname may be more preferable, such as “Lily,” “Bandit,” Checkers,” or “Falafel,” to name a few.

Now that you have selected a name, it is time for you to look at some training programs that will help you and your pet. Learn more here.

A fun fact

Remember the commercial wherein an owner kept referring to his pet as “Dog” and was quite abrupt with the pet. He would say, move it, “Dog,” or “Get off the couch, Dog.” That is until “Dog” took a stroll one day and found a dollar bill on the street.  He proceeded to the nearest candy store and purchased a lotto ticket, and won! He then saw his dog with three French poodles in a limo while the owner was standing on the sidewalk!  That was fun.

Many need to have a perfect name for your pet!

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